Construction work sites can be a very dangerous environment, especially to workers that are not properly trained in safe work practices. These construction safety programs and training videos, help workers deal with safety hazards. Construction safety includes following OSHA safety standards and following the safety procedures that address ladder safety, scaffolding, trenching & shoring, fall prevention, respiratory protection and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Safety Bob's Comprehensive Construction Safety Orientation
Product Code: SBCC
Construction work is very dangerous, as nearly 1,000 workers are killed and thousands of others are injured on construction job sites each year. Construction Safety Specialist Bob Synnett discusses the hazards of construction work.
Safety Bob's Construction Safety Orientation
Product Code: COS
With over 25 years of experience as a construction safety professional, Bob Synnett is dedicated to teaching new and inexperienced workers how to stay safe on the job.
2021 Overview Series: Construction's Fatal Four Hazards
Product Code: OVFF
All construction workers must be aware of these “Fatal Four Hazards” and follow the safe work practices and procedures required to prevent construction related injuries and fatalities.
Caught-Between Hazards: One of Construction's Fatal Four
Product Code: FFCB
Topics include avoiding becoming caught between equipment or objects, the role equipment operators play in
preventing caught-between injuries, avoiding excavation collapses, preventing caught-in rotating or moving part injuries
and avoiding being caught in collapsing structures.
Electrical Hazards: One of Construction's Fatal Four
Product Code: FFEL
Topics include maintaining safe distances from power lines, the effects of electrical shock, how electrical burns can occur
and be avoided, ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), safety precautions for working on electrical equipment and
safe use of extension and flexible power cords.
Fall Hazards: One of Construction's Fatal Four
Product Code: FFFH
Topics include common fall hazards, guardrail use, personal fall arrest systems, fall protection requirements for
scaffolding and basic portable ladder safety precautions.
Struck-By Hazards: One of Construction's Fatal Four
Product Code: FFSB
Topics include safety tips for preventing each group of struck-by injuries, personal protective equipment, safe tool use
and preventing vehicle incidents.
Supported Scaffolding Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments
Product Code: SCAF
To work safely with supported scaffolds, employees need to understand the hazards that are associated with them and the OSHA regulations that have been established to mitigate those hazards.
Trenching & Excavation Safety: The Scott May Story
Product Code: TREX
Before you dig, there's a lot you need to know, because the risks, just like the weight of the soil, are too great to take a chance. This type of work is dangerous, with more than 100 workers killed in trench accidents each year.
Silica Employee Training
Product Code: SLCA
While silica has many valuable uses, it can also present a danger when workers are exposed to excessive amounts of crystalline silica dust. In fact, each year there are hundreds of deaths and thousands of illnesses attributed to harmful exposures to silica dust.
Lead Exposure in Construction Environments
Product Code: LDCE
According to OSHA, more than 800,000 workers in the United States are exposed to lead regularly as part of their jobs. This program reminds employees of the dangers and health effects of lead and the safety standards that have been established to protect them on the job.
Crane Signal Person Basic Training
Product Code: CSBT
Cranes were invented by the Greeks more than 2,000 years ago. Today, there are a wide variety of cranes found on construction sites and in industrial facilities. Communication between the crane operator and the crane signal person is an integral part of moving material and equipment.
Surviving the Fall: Your Personal Fall Arrest System
Product Code: FSF
Falling just a short distance can generate huge forces and cause injury, even if you don't hit the ground. The proper use of fall protection equipment reduces these forces and prevents injuries.
Ladder Safety: A Practical Approach
Product Code: LS
This program discusses the basic precautions that will keep employees safe when using ladders. Viewers will also see the consequences of failing to follow these safe work practices.
Ladder Safety
Product Code: LADD
A tragic fact is that every year 300 people are killed and 165,000 injured while using ladders. That’s about 1 death and 500 people injured per day and recent studies show those numbers are rising.
Walking and Working Surfaces: Comprehensive Training
Product Code: WLK
This program discusses the requirements addressed in the recently-updated OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D, titled “Walking and Working Surfaces", so that viewers can make sure the surfaces on which they work or travel are safe and secure.
Walking and Working Surfaces
Product Code: WAWS
This program discusses the three most common topics addressed in the recently-updated OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910 Subpart D, titled “Walking and Working Surfaces", so that viewers can make sure the surfaces on which they work or travel are safe and secure.
Understanding & Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses
Product Code: UPHR
As the temperature rises this summer and we continue to perform our regular job duties, the potential for heat-related illnesses increases dramatically. Your employees must be vigilant in their efforts to prevent them.
Heat Stress
Product Code: HSTR
Whether you work in a hot environment or you're outside on one of those "dog days of summer", this program shows viewers how to recognize and respond to various heat-related problems.
Cold Stress: Working Safely in Cold Weather
Product Code: CLD
Anyone who works outside on a regular basis knows that at some point or another, you're going to experience cold and wet weather conditions. These working conditions can threaten your ability to do your job safely they can have negative affects on the body even at temperatures as high as 59 degrees Fahrenheit.
Working Safely with Hand and Power Tools
Product Code: WSHPT
Hand and power tools have become so common in the daily performance of our jobs that we often become complacent about their dangers. Use this program to emphasize the importance of having a good safety attitude and exercising good judgment while using han
Preventing Fires During Hot Work Operations
Product Code: HWO
Welding, grinding, cutting, open flame and other spark producing tools and operations are all capable of starting dangerous fires in our workplaces. This program discusses the safe work practices that should be taken to prevent such incidents and reviews the responsibilities of those workers involved in hot work tasks.
Breathe Safely: The Proper Use of Respiratory Protection
Product Code: PURP
The purpose of this program is to provide employees with an understanding of the respiratory hazards they may encounter in their work areas and how to use the proper respiratory protection to prevent exposures to such hazards.
The Respiratory Protection Program: Employee Version
Product Code: RPPE
Exposure to hazardous chemicals in the form of dusts, fumes, mists and gases may cause lung damage, cancer and other serious ailments to vital organs and the central nervous system. This program shows employees how this plan works to protect them from res
The Respiratory Protection Program: Management Version
Product Code: RPPM
When respiratory protection is used, employers must follow the regulations laid out in OSHA's Respiratory Protection Standard, 1910.134. This program provides an overview of the employer's responsibilities and discusses key components of a proper Respirat
Heat Stress: Working Safely in the Heat
Product Code: SITH
This program provides an overview of how the body regulates heat, how to recognize the warning signs when these processes aren’t working, and how to treat symptoms of various heat-related illnesses.
2021 Overview Series: Personal Fall Arrest Systems
Product Code: OVFA
Topics include the full body harness, the connecting device, the anchor point, inspection of the harness and the connecting device, the total fall distance calculation and the rescue plan.
Anhydrous Ammonia Employee Training
Product Code: AAET
This program details the safety standards developed by OSHA that regulate the use of anhydrous ammonia in the workplace.
Trenching and Excavation Safety
Product Code: TEXS
This program details ways workers can protect themselves from cave-ins and other hazards when working with trenches and excavations.
Site Work Safety: Preventing Injuries Above and Below Ground
Product Code: PIABG
This program discusses common hazards that all site work operations share, such as raised loads and
trenches, and how to prevent serious injuries or fatalities, such as through PPE and staying alert for hazards.
Dump Truck Safety for Operators and Pedestrians
Product Code: DTS
This program gives an overview of common hazards
presented by dump trucks and general safety tips to prevent dump truck-related incidents and injuries.
Skid Steer Loader Operation and Safety
Product Code: SKID
The skid steer loader is one of the most
useful and versatile machines available on the jobsite. This program discusses the hazards of these machines
and how to operate them safely.