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2021-23 Overview Series
Accident Investigation / Hazard Recognition
Arc Flash / NFPA 70E
Back Injury Prevention
Behavioral Based
Bloodborne Pathogens
Confined Space
Crane Safety
Drug-Free Workplace
Electrical Safety
Elevated Work Platforms
Employee Development
Eye Safety
Fall Protection
Fire & Emergency
Forklifts / Powered Ind. Trucks
General Safety
Hand Safety
Hearing Conservation
High Impact / Graphic Videos
Keynote / Safety Speakers
Lockout / Tagout
Maintenance & Operations
Sexual Harassment
Short Safety Videos / To The Point Series
Slips, Trips and Falls
Spanish Sample Video
Warehouse Safety
Workplace Harassment
Workplace Violence
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Safety Videos
This is our catalog of workplace safety training videos divided into relevant general safety topics. Please click the safety topic of interest to view available safety training videos applicable to the selected safety topic.
Accident Investigation / Hazard Recognition
For an accident investigation to be successful, it must lead to proactive safety improvements and injury prevention. More often than not, there were incidents leading up to the accident that if corrective action were taken, could have prevented it from happening. The overall goal is to prevent similar accidents from happening again.
Arc Flash / NFPA 70E
These programs explain the safe electrical work practices required of the latest NFPA regulation while showing arc flash explosions, incident reenactments and FR clothing tests to convince electrical workers of the need to follow these critical safe work practices.
Back Injury Prevention
Over two million people experience back injuries every year on the job. A person who suffers a back injury may have their life changed forever. These programs cover proper techniques for lifting objects, importance of good posture and types of spinal injuries.
Behavioral Based
These programs demonstrate and encourage all employees to "speak up" if they see coworkers working unsafely and how to develop a positive attitude toward safety. The approaches they take to driving this point home are diverse and quite unique.
Bloodborne Pathogens
Almost all employees in the workplace can be at risk from exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens. To protect themselves they must be trained to learn specific precautions. These programs include information on universal precautions, routes of entry, responding to exposure situations to name a few.
Confined Space
Employees must sometimes work in areas which have configurations that don't allow for regular safety precautions. These types of work areas are called confined spaces and learning how to safely work in these spaces is the purpose of these programs.
The construction site can be a very dangerous environment. There are many safety hazards to deal with including ladders, scaffolding, trenching & shoring, fall prevention and PPE. These are just a few of the programs available.
The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has disrupted and changed many aspects of our lives. The following programs will help explain and address many of the new issues that we are encountering on and off the job. Solutions and protective measures are provided to promote the health, safety and productivity of workers by preventing the spread of the coronavirus.
Crane Safety
Cranes and lifting devices are powerful, rugged machines that are critical to many industrial and construction operations. These programs demonstrate safe work practices and precautions for both the crane operator and people who work around cranes.
Driving fatalities are the leading cause of workplace deaths in the United States. In today's fast-paced society with countless distractions, these programs serve as a valuable tool for training employees that are required to operated company vehicles. These tips will also be valuable off-the-job.
Electrical Safety
We are all familiar with the great things electricity can do for us, but we also need to know what it is and how it works in order to use it safely. Whether you are looking to train on the NFPA70E Standard or a basic introduction to working around electricity, there will be a program to fit what your needs.
Elevated Work Platforms
Elevated work platforms allow us to perform various tasks at heights that otherwise may be unreachable. The potential is there for serious injury or death when operated in a careless manner. Electrocution, falls, crushed body parts and tip-overs are just a few examples.
Many EPA programs require companies to comply with local and federal environmental laws. These programs help employees identify the hazards in their surroundings; what regulations and requirements apply to their situations; and educate them to safely manage their specific job tasks.
To keep employees safe and injury-free, companies have set up programs to prevent injuries that result from repeated motions, poor posture, and vibrations or forces placed on our bodies while performing various job actions. These injuries are known as musculoskeletal disorders or MSD's.
Eye Safety
Workers in North America suffer more than 1,000 eye injuries each day. Most disturbing is that 90% of these eye injuries could have been prevented by the use of proper eye protection. These programs discuss various types of eye protection devices and how they help to prevent injuries.
Fall Protection
Falls represent one of the greatest hazards to our safety in the workplace. These programs explain that by not following safety procedures, often employees will suffer painful and sometimes fatal falls. Ladders, fall arrest systems, aerial lifts are just some of the areas covered.
Fire & Emergency
The effects of an emergency can be devastating. People can be hurt, some may die. Your facility can suffer serious physical damage, as can surrounding communities. These programs focus on fire extinguisher use, evacuation plans, spread of contagious diseases to name a few.
Forklifts / Powered Ind. Trucks
Forklift training and forklift safety essentials for operators, pedestrians and property owners. These forklift safety training videos are effective training resources that provide forklift operators and those working around forklifts with essential knowledge that will lead to a safer work environment. Whether you have completed forklift certification, occasionally drive a forklift, work around forklifts or are interested in the essentials of OSHA forklift training and safety, you will find that these programs explain forklift safety best practices, in easy to understand detail, for all workplace participants.
General Safety
If you didn't see what you were looking for in the other topics, it will probably be here! From office safety to machine guarding hazards to working around conveyers, its in our general safety category. There are many programs in this topic, so you might want to look though them all.
These programs explain how employees can work safely with chemicals by understanding the key elements of your organization's Hazard Communication program. Routes of entry, chemical manufacturer labels, NFPA and HMIS labels, MSDS sheets and written communication programs are all discussed.
Hand Safety
Hand, wrist and finger injuries account for 25% of all workplace injuries and put half a million people out of work each year. Serious hand injuries have traumatic consequences and can affect every aspect of your life.
High Impact / Graphic Videos
In this best-selling and popular series, programs feature GRAPHIC reenactments of accidents that occur in the workplace. All programs in this series will be guaranteed to get your employees attention. A large range of specific topics are available.
Life & Death Series
These programs have a "CSI" approach where after an accident occurs, then workers recollect previous related accidents that may provide clues or a common thread to the cause of the ongoing investigation of the incident.
High Impact Series
These dynamic programs show viewers that a commitment to safety is the key to maintaining an injury-free workplace or even saving ones life. Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, these films has proven to be highly effective training tools through their scared-straight, graphic nature.
Hearing Conservation
Because hearing loss can be gradual, happening over a long period of time, we often don't recognize it's happening until it's too late. These programs explain how your company's hearing conservation program protects employees from the harmful effects of noise exposure.
Keynote / Safety Speakers
The nation's top safety speakers share in chilling detail their stories and how workplace accidents could and should have been prevented. Typical speaking fees for "live" presentations range from $5,000 up to $12,000 per session. Share their stories at a fraction of that cost!
Billy Robbins
His fast-paced, motivational and behavior-based safety presentations will shape and change the attitudes of your people. This in turn will make your safety programs, processes and procedures much easier to implement…helping you change your safety culture.
Jeff "Odie" Espenship
As a former USAF fighter pilot, instructor, air show pilot, and current international airline pilot...Odie understands how to operate and lead those who work in a high-risk and often-dangerous work environment. He's a dynamic and entertaining speaker with a passion of bringing value to other people’s lives!
Brad Livingston
During his presentations, you will hear words like short-cut, pride, perspective, attitude and complacency. You will learn how each of these played a role in the actions that led to his injuries and you will understand why you should prevent them from becoming factors in your workplace.
Jeff Bell
Motivations are more powerful when they are anchored in the depths of the human heart. Jeff tells the true story of a construction accident that took the life of his son Brian Bell, a college student with less than a week left on his junior-senior summer job.
Martin Lesperance
As a former firefighter / paramedic, Martin Lesperance has attended to thousands of people who have been injured by making poor safety choices. He shares his unique experiences with riveting stories that tie in critical safety messages which people can’t help but remember for years to come!
Tom Harvey
Tom Harvey is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and has extensive experience in practical regulatory compliance, HSE best practices implementation, and safety process systems improvement. He brings over 25 years of operational experience and a proven track record for delivering results.
John Martin
John and a co-worker ignored the safe work practices that would have protected them from injury. In this program, he delivers his performance and safety solutions backed by twenty-five years of experience in the manufacturing and construction industries.
Kevin Bailey
Are you ready for a fresh approach on safety? Everyone can learn from someone else’s mistake! In this motivational presentation, Kevin emphasizes the importance of workplace safety, while focusing on job complacency.
Mark Standifer
While installing relays on the door of a 13,800-volt switchgear, Mark Standifer made several crucial errors resulting in 2nd & 3rd degree burns over 40% of his body when he was engulfed in an arc blast. He is known throughout the country as a leader in on-site technical training development and electrical safety programs.
David Dyck
This program features David Dyck's powerful, true story of surviving a violent explosion during a routine maintenance procedure. It’s a message your employees won’t soon forget!
Jeff Walters
Jeff Walters, a young newlywed, was more interested in earning the respect of his co-workers than being concerned for his own safety. This program teaches the critical safety lesson that risk-taking is never worth it and that any supposed reward of a shortcut is only a facade.
David Lynn
In this live presentation safety professional and motivational speaker, David Lynn, discusses 15 real-world successful techniques that can be used to put the five safety principles of
OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program
(VPP) into practice.
Bernie Inman
In this program, Bernie and Sheila candidly discuss the events leading to Bernie's injuries, and in the process deliver a powerful message on the importance of safety awareness, safe work practices and the far-reaching effects of a workplace injury.
Jim Elzinga
Jim Elzinga has been climbing mountains and pursuing outdoor adventure for over forty years. In this program, Jim explains in spellbinding detail how the requirements of building a safety culture to survive summiting Mt. Everest are no different than what is needed to build a safety culture in the workplace.
Lockout / Tagout
When is Lockout / Tagout required? These programs will help to answer this along with who is considered an authorized employee, affected employee or other employee. Types of energy sources, the energy control plan, LOTO devices and situations requiring a LOTO are discussed as well.
Maintenance & Operations
Maintenance workers maintain all aspects of operations and equipment. These programs target all the common areas that these "masters of the machinery" may be involved in on a daily basis, from climbing ladders to confined spaces to locking down a machine.
The top 10 OSHA violations between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009 as reported by the US Dept of Labor, in order are: scaffolding, fall protection (construction), hazard communication, respiratory protection, lockout/tagout, ladders, powered industrial trucks, electrical, fall protection (training requirements).
The California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973 requires all employers in California to provide and maintain a safe and healthful workplace. These videos are designed to protect workers by following the specific regulatory requirements that Cal / OSHA has provided.
Fall Protection
Falls represent one of the greatest hazards to our safety in the workplace. These programs explain that by not following safety procedures, often employees will suffer painful and sometimes fatal falls. Ladders, fall arrest systems, aerial lifts are just some of the areas covered.
Operator training, anticipating hazards, pedestrians, tip-overs, lifting capacity are just some of the issues a forklift operator must know. Unsafe and improper forklift operation can lead to injury and property damage. These programs are an excellent resource for educating both forklift drivers and employees who work around them.
We are all familiar with the great things electricity can do for us, but we also need to know what it is and how it works in order to use it safely. Whether you are looking to train on the NFPA70E Standard or a basic introduction to working around electricity, there will be a program to fit what your needs.
Personal Protective Equipment
Are you sick of the excuses? Employees that fail to use PPE are setting themselves up for an accident that could involve serious injury or death. These dynamic programs cover all major aspects of workplace PPE.
Lockout / Tagout
When is Lockout / Tagout required? These programs will help to answer this along with who is considered an authorized employee, affected employee or other employee. Types of energy sources, the energy control plan, LOTO devices and situations requiring a LOTO are discussed as well.
Bloodborne Pathogens
Almost all employees in the workplace can be at risk from exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens. To protect themselves they must be trained to learn specific precautions. These programs include information on universal precautions, routes of entry, responding to exposure situations to name a few.
2021-23 Overview Series
The Overview Series is designed to effectively promote comprehension and retention of the training material with each safety topic presented in an easy to follow outline format.
Are you sick of the excuses? Employees that fail to use PPE are setting themselves up for an accident that could involve serious injury or death. These dynamic programs cover all major aspects of workplace PPE.
Exposure to hazardous chemicals in the form of dusts, fumes, mists and gases may cause lung damage, cancer and other serious ailments to vital organs and the central nervous system. To protect you from these, OSHA implemented the Respiratory Protection Standard 1910.134. These programs show employees and managers how this plan works to protect them from respiratory hazards.
Hearing Conservation
Because hearing loss can be gradual, happening over a long period of time, we often don't recognize it's happening until it's too late. These programs explain how your company's hearing conservation program protects employees from the harmful effects of noise exposure.
General PPE Programs
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is often the last line of defense against potential hazards encountered on the job. OSHA has determined that many employees who sustain work-related injuries have not been trained in the proper use of PPE. These programs cover various forms of PPE...from hardhats to steel tipped shoes.
Hard Hats
Nearly 100,000 U.S. workers suffer serious head injuries on the job each year. Most of these injuries could have been avoided with the proper use of a simple piece of equipment: a hardhat.
Foot Protection
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are injured in the workplace because they weren't wearing the proper footwear. Many of us tend to think of shoes in terms of styles, but they are a part of your personal protective equipment that must effectively protect your feet from hazards.
Whether it's the dog days of summer or a cold winter's night, these Programs will help to keep your employees safe and aware of seasonal hazards.
Short Safety Videos / To The Point Series
Priced at only $249, these short informative safety programs get right "To The Point" about critical workplace safety topics without busting your budget. Each program is approximately 12 minutes long and all programs have a consistent visual style and instructional method. The DVD includes
the English and Spanish Versions for the same low price.
Slips, Trips and Falls
The importance of wearing proper footwear, recognizing and controlling slip and trip hazards is essential in preventing fall injuries. One of the biggest misconceptions is you have to fall 100 feet to be badly injured. Some of the worst injuries can result from slipping on a step. These programs do a great job in driving the point home.
Spanish Sample Video
On-line previews are available in English only. However, we have
of our titles available in a Spanish Version as well. The content is the same as the English version, but with a Spanish
audio dub-over.
This Sample Spanish title which can be previewed on-line will give you an idea of what to expect.
Warehouse Safety
The fatal injury rate for the warehousing industry is higher than the national average for all industries. Over 100 warehouse employees are killed and 95,000 are injured in forklift accidents alone. This is one of many areas of training that warehouse employees should receive.
HR Videos
This is our catalog of Human Resources training videos divided into relevant general HR training topics. Please click a topic of interest to view available Human Resources training videos applicable to the selected topic.
Depsite all the mention of "workplace diversity", many of us still wonder what it means to our individual organizations and why should we care? These programs help explain the answer to those questions and why diversity training can be beneficial for everybody.
Drug-Free Workplace
Studies show that compared with substance non-abusers...substance-abusing employees are more likely to change jobs frequently, be late or absent from work, be less productive, be involved in a workplace accident, and/or file a workers compensation claim.
Employee Development
A solid employee development program can mean the difference between a successful company and one that struggles. More and more workers are looking for employers who can help them increase their knowledge and skills.
Workplace Harassment
Harassment comes in many different forms. Disrespectful behavior serves no useful purpose in the workplace and should not be tolerated. These programs address issues from both an employee and supervisor perspective.
Sexual Harassment
In 1998, the US Supreme Court made employers more liable for sexual harassment of their employees. The causes of sexual harassment can be complex. These programs help in the training of both employees and supervisors on this subject.
Workplace Violence
Statistics tell us that 1 in 4 workers are threatened, harassed or assaulted each year in the workplace. While nobody can prevent or eliminate all workplace violence, steps can be taken to lessen the chances of it happening. These programs are an excellent tool in helping achieve this goal.
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