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Priced at only $249, these short informative safety programs get right "To The Point" about critical workplace safety topics without busting your budget.  Each program is approximately 12 minutes long and all programs have a consistent visual style and instructional method.  The DVD includes both the English and Spanish Versions for the same low price.
                   Any 3 titles from "To The Point Series" for only $498…a savings of $249!

                   Any 6 titles from "To The Point Series" for only $954..…a savings of $540!

                   Any 10 titles from "To The Point Series" for only $1,490…a savings of $1,000!

To The Point Series: Safe Operation of Aerial Work Platforms
Product Code: TPAEP

Unsafe operation of aerial and elevated work platforms, including boom and scissor lifts, often has devastating consequences.  Making sure these mobile and elevating work platforms are operated in a safe manner must be the operator's top priority.
To The Point Series: Arc Flash Protection & Safe Electrical Work Practices
Product Code: TPARC

Because energized electrical parts expose workers to the risk of electric shock or exposure to an arc flash, employees must know and understand how to protect themselves from these two electrical hazards.
To The Point Series: Bloodborne Pathogens
Product Code: TPBBP

Bloodborne pathogens are tiny microorganisms found in human blood or other bodily fluids that can cause diseases in humans. Controlling our exposure to bloodborne pathogens can prevent these diseases and save lives.
To The Point Series: Compressed Air Safety
Product Code: TPCAS

This program discusses the basic safety precautions that should be followed to control compressed air hazards and allow employees to use compressed air in a safe manner. 

To The Point Series: Safe Use of Compressed Gas Cylinders
Product Code: TPCGC

Flammable or toxic contents, corrosive substances, gas leaks, unsafe transporting and handling techniques, improper hook up, and incorrect storage are all potential causes of injury and property damage related to compressed gas cylinders.
To The Point Series: Industrial Crane Safety
Product Code: TPCRN

The movement of materials by industrial cranes can be quite hazardous to operators, pedestrians, and company property.  Ensuring that operators of industrial cranes are fully trained and always operate their crane in a safe manner can prevent injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: Confined Space Entry
Product Code: TPCSE

Conditions that exist inside confined spaces such as manholes, tanks, vessels, pits and similar areas can hurt or kill workers. Controlling access to confined spaces and the hazards they contain can prevent injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: Defensive Driving
Product Code: TPDDR

When most of us hear the term "Defensive Driving," we think about staying alert and being able to react quickly in order to evade a crash or prevent a collision out on the road, but it is more than that.  Defensive Driving helps to keep us out of situations that require evasive action in the first place.
To The Point Series: Distracted Driving
Product Code: TPDST

This program discusses the dangers of distracted driving and provides an overview of the various types of distractions. It also explains how one distraction can lead to another and reviews tips, practices, and habits that can be used to eliminate driving distractions, prevent vehicle crashes, and save lives.
To The Point Series: Emergency Response
Product Code: TPEMR

A workplace emergency can occur at any time and any place.  Being properly prepared for an emergency helps ensure that workers will remain calm and respond appropriately.
To The Point Series: Ergonomics
Product Code: TPERG

When parts of our bodies are subjected to awkward positions, we risk the development of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Using proper work practice controls in both office and industrial settings can prevent these types of injuries.
To The Point Series: Personal Fall Arrest Systems
Product Code: TPFAS

Work above ground comes with increased risk because of the possibility of a fall. While your organization maintains railing on commonly-used elevated work areas, workers must sometimes venture beyond this protection. When this is the case, a personal fall arrest system is required.
To The Point Series: Fire Safety & Response
Product Code: TPFSR

Work materials, equipment and other objects are all at risk for catching on fire in our workplaces. Correcting fire hazards and knowing how to respond to a fire can prevent injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: Good Housekeeping
Product Code: TPGHK

Good housekeeping goes a long way in preventing fires, falls and other situations that often lead to injury.  Practicing good housekeeping procedures must be incorporated into every job you perform and be an integral part of your commitment to workplace safety.
To The Point Series: The Hazard Communication Program
Product Code: TPHCP

Various chemicals present many physical and health hazards that cause property damage or harm people. Protecting workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals can prevent injuries and illnesses.
To The Point Series: Handling Materials Safely
Product Code: TPHMS

Handling materials safely, whether by lifting and carrying objects by yourself or by moving them with mechanical devices such as hand trucks and forklifts, doesn't have to be difficult but it does require effort and a good safety attitude.
To The Point Series: Hot Work and Welding Safety
Product Code: TPHWW

Extremely hot metal, intense light, sparks and molten slag, damaged or defective welding equipment, and cluttered work areas are all hazards associated with hot work and welding tasks.
To The Point Series: Ladder Safety
Product Code: TPLDD

Step ladders, straight or extension ladders, rolling ladders, step stools, and specialty ladders each have the potential to be very dangerous.  So, it is critical that workers follow safe work practices when using any type of ladder to avoid mishaps and injuries.
To The Point Series: Lockout / Tagout
Product Code: TPLTO

The unexpected starting of machines or other unplanned releases of hazardous energy can have devastating consequences. Controlling hazardous energy can prevent injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: Machine Guarding and Safety Devices
Product Code: TPMGD

Typically, it's a machine's operator who is in the closest proximity to a machine's hazards.  As a machine operator, you must make it a point to know and understand the hazards presented by any machine or equipment you are assigned to operate.
To The Point Series: Preventing Back Injuries
Product Code: TPPBI

Improper lifting and poor posture can lead to a variety of painful back injuries. Practicing safe lifting techniques and maintaining neutral posture can prevent those injuries.
To The Point Series: Preventing Eye Injuries
Product Code: TPPEI

Dust, wood chips, nails, hazardous chemicals, radiant light and countless other items can strike or enter the eye and cause injury. Taking proper precautions and wearing the appropriate protection against eye hazards can prevent eye injuries.
To The Point Series: Preventing Electric Shock
Product Code: TPPES

Your facility’s plan to protect employees from electrical hazards combined with following shock prevention practices allows workers to stay safe when working with or near electricity.
To The Point Series: Preventing Head Injuries
Product Code: TPPHI

To prevent the 65,000 workplace head injuries that occur annually, the most important thing workers can do is to always wear their hardhats when required. This program stresses to viewers that wearing a hardhat must become a habit because it will only protect them if they have it on.
To The Point Series: Preventing Hearing Loss
Product Code: TPPHL

Power tools, lawn equipment, metal working machinery, air compressors and countless other pieces of machinery or tools generate noise at levels high enough to damage our hearing. Controlling our exposure to high levels of noise can prevent the life-changing effects of hearing loss.
To The Point Series: Personal Protective Equipment
Product Code: TPPPE

When our body parts are exposed to certain hazards there is a potential for bodily harm to occur. Properly selecting and wearing personal protective equipment can reduce or eliminate this exposure, prevent injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: Respiratory Protection
Product Code: TPRSP

Using the appropriate protection, usually in the form of a respirator, allows your employees to work safely around airborne contaminants as long as they wear their protective devices properly and wear them in all situations where they are required. This program shows your workers how to select and use respirators for specific hazards they may encounter in the workplace.
To The Point Series: Responding to Violent Behavior or an Active Shooter
Product Code: TPRVB

When a violent emergency takes place, it is often a scary and confusing situation.  The key to surviving an emergency situation is to stay calm and quickly move away from the danger.
To The Point Series: Safe Forklift Operation
Product Code: TPSFO

Unsafe operation of forklifts often contributes to property damage and employee injuries. Ensuring that drivers operate forklifts in a safe manner can prevent injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: Preventing Slips, Trips & Falls
Product Code: TPSTF

Workplace falls are a leading cause of injury and even a small fall can have very serious consequences. Identifying and correcting fall hazards combined with paying close attention to our paths of travel can prevent these injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: The Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers
Product Code: TPUFE

Due to the risk of fires in the workplace, fire extinguishers have been placed throughout our facility. Using a fire extinguisher properly to put out a fire can prevent injuries and save lives.
To The Point Series: Powered Pallet Jacks
Product Code: TPPPJ

This program includes important safety topics when dealing with powered pallet jacks, such as how to 
perform pre-operational inspections, the proper PPE to use while on the job, how to lift and travel with a load,
and how to safely maneuver around pedestrians, inclines, and loading docks.

To The Point Series: Order Selectors
Product Code: TPOSL

This program includes important safety topics when dealing with the safe operation and use of order selectors or also known as order pickers.

To The Point Series: PITs and Pedestrian Safety
Product Code: TPPED

This program includes important safety topics when dealing with the interaction between powered 
industrial trucks or "PITs" and pedestrians. Powered industrial trucks are heavy and powerful. Any contact 
between a PIT and a pedestrian can result in serious injury or death.

To The Point Series: Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness for Construction Workers
Product Code: TPBPC

This program discusses the dangers that bloodborne pathogens pose for construction workers and how to control exposure to them in order to prevent disease and possibly save a life. 

To The Point Series: Trenching & Excavation Safety for Construction Workers
Product Code: TPTECW

This program details safe work practices that construction workers can use to protect themselves from cave-ins and other hazards when working around trenches and excavations.
To The Point Series: Construction Safety
Product Code: TPCONS

This program describes a variety of basic construction dangers and the safe work practices that can be used to avoid an injury.
To The Point Series: Hazardous Spill Response
Product Code: TPHSR

Protecting all personnel, the general public, and the environment from the harmful effects of a HazMat spill is the point of hazardous spill response procedures. This program discusses the different roles in a HazMat Spill Response Team, their PPE, and some basic ways to clean up a spill safely.