If you didn't see what you were looking for in the other topics, it will probably be here! From office safety to machine guarding hazards to working around conveyers, its in our general safety category. There are many programs in this topic, so you might want to look though them all.
In the Line of Fire!
Product Code: ILF
The line separating safety from danger is sometimes quite small. This hazard recognition program discusses many workplace hazards and outlines general principles that can help employees prevent putting themselves In The Line of Fire!
In the Line of Fire! (Non-Graphic Version)
Product Code: ILFNG
The line separating safety from danger is sometimes quite small. This hazard recognition program discusses many workplace hazards and outlines general principles that can help employees prevent putting themselves In The Line of Fire!
Safety's Top 10 Causes of Workplace Injury
Product Code: STTN
While the top ten lists you see in magazines and on late night talk shows are created to get laughs, the list in this program focuses on a subject that is no laughing matter…causes of workplace injuries.
Remote Worker: Safety, Health and Security
Product Code: RWRK
There are many benefits of remote work for both the employee and employer; however, it is important that all parties understand their responsibilities related to the safety and health of remote workers as well as the cyber security of their operations. This program explains those responsibilities as well as OSHA regulatory requirements regarding remote work and employer policies.
An Introduction to Workplace Safety
Product Code: IWS
This program provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of both the company and the employee in regard to safety and how these elements fit together to form a comprehensive safety program.
Office Injury Prevention
Product Code: OIP
Office workers sometimes forget about their most important workplace responsibility: their safety. This program stresses the importance of office safety and how a good safety attitude and using good judgment are the real keys to injury prevention.
Compressed Air Safety
Product Code: CAS
This program stresses the importance of working safely with compressed air to prevent injuries. Featured are four workplace incidents that illustrate the fact that compressed air hazards are often not easily recognized, but still can have tragic consequences.
Close Calls and Near Misses
Product Code: CCNM
This program stresses to employees the importance of reporting all close calls and near miss incidents so that proper action can be taken to improve work conditions and prevent injuries.
Machine Guarding & Operator Safety
Product Code: MGOS
IThis program explains these hazards and discusses how injuries can be avoided through the proper use of machine guarding, safety devices and safe work practices.
Creating Safety in Welding Operations
Product Code: WSO
Welders take pride in their work...after all, their welds are visible for all to see. To avoid injury, welders must also take pride in their safety and make sure safety is also visible for all to see.
Making Safety Work: An Overview of Workplace Safety
Product Code: MSW
In just an instant, a workplace injury can transform a productive worker into one who is unable to work. This is why workplace injuries must be prevented and why all employees are needed to make our safety program work.
High Impact: Safety Awareness
Product Code: SAW
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
Long Hair and Loose Clothing Safety
Product Code: LHLCS
Moving machinery and other objects in industrial operations can unexpectedly "bite" you much like a creature in the wild. Many of these injuries are compounded when the victim is pulled into the action of the equipment; resulting in lacerations, amputati
Working Safely with Hand and Power Tools
Product Code: WSHPT
Hand and power tools have become so common in the daily performance of our jobs that we often become complacent about their dangers. Use this program to emphasize the importance of having a good safety attitude and exercising good judgment while using han
Conveyor Safety in the Workplace
Product Code: CSW
Covered in this program are the various hazards posed by conveyor systems and the safe work practices that employees must follow to prevent injuries.
Housekeeping: Teamwork in Industry
Product Code: HTI
This fast-moving program uses several re-creations of situations to demonstrate how housekeeping and teamwork are the keys to working safely and productively.
Pedestrian Safety
Product Code: PDS
More then 25 million workers suffer some type of injury while walking at work each year. Like other on-the-job injuries, these can be prevented. This program shows the importance of maintaining an awareness of walking hazards.
High Impact: Workplace Safety
Product Code: WLPS
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
Knife Safety in the Workplace
Product Code: KSW
This program discusses common industrial knife safety rules and work practices for each cutting task to prevent disabling lacerations, which often require months of intensive therapy for recovery.
Cell Phones in the Workplace: A Dangerous Distraction
Product Code: CPWD
Our cell phones are powerful tools that make our lives easier by allowing us to have instant access to information and communication. However, when they are used at the wrong time and in the wrong manner, these same devices can get us in trouble at work and cause serious injury.
Move It Safely: Avoiding Injuries While Moving Materials
Product Code: MVT
This program discusses the techniques, precautions and safe work practices you can follow so that when an object must be moved, you are able to "Move It Safely".
Life & Death: Industrial Safety Attitudes
Product Code: LDISA
As a subdivision of our best-selling "High Impact Series", this program has a very unique approach where it starts on the scene of an accident and works backwards. With the characters and audience playing the part of an accident investigator, they use the clues to solve the mystery of how the incident occurred.
The Dummy Series: Industrial Safety
Product Code: DSIS
In this program, our workplace "dummies" show just how easily accidents can happen. This comprehensive orientation program covers sixteen specific training topics essential for new hires.
Machine Guarding Hazards
Product Code: MGH
In today's work environments, many machines are used to make our jobs easier, safer and more productive. Various types of equipment can bend, punch, press and perform countless operations. As useful as these machines are, their movement and operation can create extreme hazards.
Machine Guarding Hazards (Non-Graphic Version)
Product Code: MGHNG
In today's work environments, many machines are used to make our jobs easier, safer and more productive. Various types of equipment can bend, punch, press and perform countless operations. As useful as these machines are, their movement and operation can create extreme hazards.
High Impact: Metal Working Safety
Product Code: MTW
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
High Impact: Metal Working Safety (Non-Graphic Version)
Product Code: MTWNG
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
Office Safety
Product Code: OFS
In today's workplaces, more and more of us now work in offices and with computers. While there are no jackhammers or forklifts, health and safety is just as important in the office as it is in a manufacturing plant, a construction site or on the road.
High Impact: Power Tool Safety
Product Code: PTS
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
High Impact: Staying Alive in Industry
Product Code: SAI
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
Safe Operation & Use of All-Terrain Vehicles
Product Code: SOATV
ATV's can be useful around the facility, but unsafe operation can lead to serious injury or even death. This program discusses the safe operating procedures that must be followed to avoid injuries while riding an all-terrain vehicle.
High Impact: Welding Safety
Product Code: WDS
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
High Impact: Workplace Safety (Non-Graphic Version)
Product Code: WLPSNG
Filled with re-creations of actual accidents from OSHA files, this film has proven to be a highly effective training tool through its scared-straight, graphic nature.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Product Code: SWPP
Pollution spread by contaminated stormwater is a real problem and providing your employees with an understanding of your facility's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and the role each person plays in its success is the purpose of this program.
Spiral to Disaster: Piper Alpha
Product Code: SDPA
This program utilizes a case study of the explosion and fire at the Piper Alpha oil platform in the North Sea which resulted in the loss of 167 lives.
Pedestrian - Forklift Safety Lessons for the Safe Pedestrian
Product Code: LPF
Forklifts can be very dangerous for both operators and employees out on the floor. In fact, 20% of all forklift incidents involve pedestrians being struck by a lift truck. In such an incident, it's the pedestrian that will suffer an injury or even death.
Combustible Dust
Product Code: CMBD
If a combustible dust explosion occurs, it often results in severe injuries, burns or deaths. This program will review the precautions and procedures workers can follow to prevent dust incidents.
Good Housekeeping: Everyone's Responsibility
Product Code: GDH
This program reviews basic housekeeping practices that can prevent workplace fires and discusses other hazards that could contribute to employee injuries, but can be controlled by good housekeeping.
Active Shooter & Workplace Violence
Product Code: ASWV
The purpose of this program is to familiarize you with basic response practices when encountering workplace violence, practices that will help you to be prepared for and to respond to a violent emergency.
Working Safely with Compressed Gas Cylinders
Product Code: CGC
Compressed gas cylinders present some very specific hazards that can be the source of serious injury. This program reviews the safe work practices that can help workers prevent injuries and property damage when working with or around them.
New Hire Safety Essentials
Product Code: NHSE
All employees should be aware that our workplace contains hazards that can cause injury or death if not controlled or avoided, but new hires might not be fully aware of these hazards.
Introduction to OSHA
Product Code: IOSHA
The 1970 OSH Act created OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This program is designed to present basic information about OSHA and how it protects employee health and safety in the workplace.
Workplace Violence - Recognizing the Threat & Active Shooter: How To Survive
Product Code: WPVL
This program helps us understand what signs to notice in a potentially violent person as well as what actions we should take if and when we feel the threat of violent behavior and/or an Active Shooter.
Managing Sleep: Feel Awake & Rested
Product Code: SFAR
This program discusses the practices and habits we all can develop to manage these issues so we can improve both the quantity and quality of our sleep in order to lead safer, healthier, and more productive lives.
Orientation to Safety for New Employees
Product Code: OSNE
This program discusses the most common safety issues new hires may encounter while performing their jobs and the safe work practices and job procedures that must be followed.
Stored Energy: The Hidden Hazard
Product Code: SEHH
This program is designed to raise your employees' awareness of all types of stored energy hazards in the work environments where they can be found.
Safety 101 for Employees
Product Code: EM101
This program discusses OSHA’s role in
safety, how to identify and control hazards, the importance of following regulations, and how PPE protects us.
Safety 101 for Supervisors
Product Code: SU101
This program discusses OSHA’s role in safety, how to identify and control hazards, various safety programs, personal
protective equipment, training, and how to handle situations when employees report concerns and injuries.
Health and Wellness 101 for Employees
Product Code: HWE
In this program, we’ll talk about some
of the ways your employer aims to protect your health on the job and also discuss those things each of us can do on our
own to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Health and Wellness 101 for Supervisors
Product Code: HWS
In this program, we’ll talk about some
of the ways your employer aims to protect your health on the job and also discuss those things each of us can do on our
own to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Environmental 101 for Employees
Product Code: ENV101
In this program, we’ll discuss some of the
environmental protection methods used by your company and your responsibilities as an employee when it comes to
protecting our environment.
Bonding and Grounding of Flammable Liquids
Product Code: BGFL
This program demonstrates how to prevent electrostatic discharge while transferring flammable liquids by
using the proper equipment and PPE.