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Workplace Violence: I Could Have Saved A Life That Day
Product Code: WSAL
Running Time: 14 minutes

The very popular program and safety poem by Don Merrell entitled, I Chose To Look The Other Way, is used as the foundation for this powerful film. Brought to life through the blending of poetry and program, the program's dramatic storyline teaches viewers some compelling lessons on workplace violence.
  • Employee fails to take action when seeing warning signs of violence.
  • Emphasizes the importance of reporting events that could escalate to violent acts.
  • Makes clear that workplace violence can be prevented.
  • One employee is killed and another taken to jail in workplace shooting.

Leader's Guide...

Workplace Violence: I Could Have Saved A Life That Day

Purchase Price: $495.00
Monthly Rental Price: $250.00
English/Spanish Combo:
(2 Disc Set)
Sale Type:    