(800) 278-2780

Industrial Ergonomics: Employee Training
Product Code: IERG
Running Time: 18 minutes

As tools, technologies and processes in the workplace change, so must the methods and practices used to prevent workplace injuries. This program focuses on the three main components of a successful ergonomics program: developing a knowledge of musculoskeletal disorders, reporting their signs / symptoms and controlling ergonomic hazards.
  • Tendonitis - Trigger Finger, DeQuervains Syndrome and Epicondylitis.
  • Nerve Compression - Sciatica and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Other types of musculoskeletal disorders - Tension Neck Syndrome and Raynaud's Phenomenon.
  • Signs and symptoms of MSDs.
  • Importance of reporting MSD symptoms.
  • Determination of MSD incidents and risk factors.
  • Job Hazard Analysis.
  • Ergonomic and work practice controls.

Leader's Guide...

Industrial Ergonomics: Employee Training

Purchase Price: $495.00
Monthly Rental Price: $250.00
English/Spanish Combo:
(2 Disc Set)
Sale Type:    